Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who is Your Unsung Hero?

The Tour de France has ended. Carlos Sastre is on top of the world, as he has won the crowned achievement in cycling. While on the surface this looks like an individual sport, and glorious personal achievement, it is not. Beneath the surface there are many who helped make that happen. From the Soigneurs to the masseurs. From the mechanics to the medical staff. The supporting teammates who lay it on the line for them.

As Jens Voigt was quoted in a pre-race interview. CSC (Carlos’ and Jens’ team) was designed for Carlos to win. “One man to win, 8 men who will die on their bikes for that one man.” I would hazard to guess that unless you are into cycling the names Jens Voigt, Stuart O’Grady, Andy Schleck do not ring a bell. But these men, are the unsung heroes who helped Carlos bask in the glory of victory.

The NFL is not much different. Again, unless you are an aficionado, can you name three left tackles in the league? Can you name one--- on your favorite team? Yet, these guys are some of the highest paid players in the league. Why? They are the unsung heroes. Their job is to protect the blind side of the quarterback (for the large majority of NFL quarterbacks who are right handed), so that the quarterback can complete a pass without being creamed from behind. Who gets the glory—the quarterback who threw the great pass and the receiver who hauled in a fingertip catch. Who made it all possible--- that left tackle guy who no one knows.

Who is your unsung hero? At work? In your personal life? How do they tirelessly do what they do--- day in and day out?

Take a moment and stop to thank them. The rewards will be great.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Bit on Chinese Numerology

So I just sent a Twitter on 8/8/8, the day the Olympics start…. At 8pm. Lots of prosperity.

So what about the rest of the numbers you ask? Here goes a shot, as there are always competing interests as to true meanings:

  1. sure
  2. easy
  3. live
  4. death
  5. the self, nothing, never
  6. smooth/flowing
  7. fate/destiny (usually negative)
  8. prosperity
  9. long in time

Combinations are important as well. For example 14 = sure death, while 18 = sure prosperity.

What is your lucky number? How would Chinese numerical traditions apply?

For me — #3. Maybe that is why my motto is also Carpe Diem.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sometimes advertising transcends

On rare occasions, advertising transcends the overt, and pulls an emotional heart string. Visa did that here.

Can't Say It Any Better Myself

So I will only post the link, as Thom sets up an incredibly powerful post.

It builds nicely on being externally focused.